
You missed out!

The Iowa City School Board election is November 7th,

and we need the help of every parent and concerned citizen.


Robert is a North Liberty Resident with three children currently in the ICCSD Schools (Twins in Penn and a Teen in North Central) and one who graduated in 2021 as the first class to start and finish at Liberty High.
Go Bolts!

Robert is a U.S. Veteran who served from 85'-89' in the Army with 1 year patrolling the DMZ-line of Freedom. He has a Bachelors in Business and a Masters in Theology.

He works with people with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities and strives to lift everyone up no matter their circumstance. Robert's goal is to bring Education back to its Roots (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic), not Social Indoctrination.

Equal Opportunity in the workplace begins with the Fundamentals in Education. He believes that all people have the ability to learn and advance in life if given the proper Tools and not excuses or victimhood. Please join me in the fight for our children and the future of America.

This is why I am running for School Board.

Transparency for Parents - parents need to be informed of any curriculum changes, all assemblies a week of more in advance, any controversial topics, no Indoctrination and absolutely no political Propaganda or politics. Parents should be allowed to teach their own children about social issues, not the school. Not everybody believes the same thing about everything.

Children and Families 1st - families run the school not unions or even the District Leaders. Anyone on the Board should have children or grandchild attending the schools. Anyone else is just a political activist and not looking out for the children. Only parents know the daily struggles of day to day issues with their children and only parents should be involved in decisions made about anything going on in the schools. Skin in the game as they say.

Back to Basics - Reading, Writing & Arithmetic - the kids need to be prepared for the real world and the fundamentals of education, teaching anything else is propaganda and political. If a viewpoint on an issue is taught a counterpoint should also be taught. For instance, Science is not formed by consensus is is formed with verifiable facts and challenged/questioned. To say that science cannot be questioned is the exact opposite of science. Climate Change is not a a confirmed science, it is as the so-called scientist say, a consensus. If Climate Change of any kind is taught then there are also climate scientist who believe and have data to the opposite viewpoint. That should then be taught. Our children have to be able to use critical thinking and weigh issues and come to their own conclusions not forced to believe one side or the other on any issue or topic. Informed choice is how you education, not indoctrination.

Empowerment not Victimization - give people the tools they need to succeed and not tearing them down and blaming other people for their problem(s). All people, no matter their background, have the ability to learn and advance from their current circumstance.

Honest Education - No hidden agendas, only education

Equality in Education and Workplace - all people have the ability to succeed and can if they are treated equal. All people have equal opportunity to use the tools they were born with, smarts athletic ability, etc and these need to be nurtured and encouraged in our children. Equality does not mean Equal Outcomes but Equal Opportunity. Any one teaching differently is trying to divide people. Life is not fair and all people should know this. Equal Outcome philosophy only leads to sharing in Equal Misery not Success. If you don't believe this then you should not be any part of the education system.

Please join us in support.  Donations accepted at:

Robert Decker
Po Box 362 North Liberty,
 Iowa 52317

WATCH: ICCSD Candidate Forum (click on image)

Locate your voting place.  


Other like minding school board candidates:

Jacob Onken     Micah Broekmeier
